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Vacation Bible School 

In the tropical summer afternoons of the Dominican Republic we plan to host a bilingual Vacation Bible School program. This program however, will not be one of those generic hum-drum run of the mill programs: No way José! Instead we plan to demonstrate to the children and maybe even to some of the adults that being a Christian is EXCITING! If we have enough volunteers we plan to have a fantastic time celebrating God’s love. 

Medical/Dental Clinic 

Maranatha Volunteers International, working with the Dominican Republic, has also granted us the opportunity to hold a small free medical and dental clinic in the town of El Dean. With their support and with a team of medical professionals we will be able to help heal and treat those in need in this town and maybe even in the surrounding towns in the province of Monte Plata.

One of the blessings is that the clinic will be completely operated by volunteer professionals who will not only be giving up their time to help others but who will also be funding the clinic themselves. Our prayer then is that we have enough volunteers to build the church which is our primary objective so that we can run this our secondary objective and also our tertiary objective: Vacation Bible School. 

One Day Church

Marantha  Volunteers International came up with the ingenious idea to create a high quality low cost structure in order to meet the needs of thousands of Seventh-day Adventist congregations worldwide without a church to worship within. Now, instead of using a hut, house, storefront, or other make-shift edifices, these congregations will have the chance to worship together in a sturdy yet safe environment.
The One-Day Church, made of galvanized steel, can seat up to 150 people. The structure can be built upon by adding walls and a floor from whatever materials are available locally: concrete, wood, brick, etc. This then serves both shelter and solace so that the local members can share in God’s love and serve their community more effectively.  

Click the "One Day Church" icon above. 





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